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A visit to Keith Moon's Dressing Room

Keith Moon knew how take a photo!

In early 1975, finding time between ‘The Who’ tours, Keith Moon put out a solo album.  In conjunction, he did a tour to promote the album.  I didn’t know this until I received a phone call asking if I would be willing to drive to meet the radio guys I knew from KEZY up in LA a couple of hours later that day.  They wanted me to take photos while they did an interview with Keith Moon. I said ‘sure,’ (while thinking ‘I GET TO MEET KEITH MOON!!?!’  HOLY CRAP!!!! )  I quickly sorted out a camera, grabbed some B&W film and headed up from my home in Anaheim to meet them.  I don’t remember which venue it was, (possibly The Santa Monica Civic), but I met the guys (and their dates) at the entrance to the venue where Keith was to perform later that evening.

“KEITH MOON TWO SIDES OF THE MOON”  I don’t think I’ve ever actually heard the album, but apparently it received horrible reviews even though Keith was joined on it by several big name ‘friends’

We checked in at the door with the security.  They made a call and someone from his ‘Label’ came to escort us to Keith’s dressing room to do the interview.  The girls waited outside in the lobby area while we were directed in.  Keith greeted us, shook hands (I was introduced as ‘the photographer’), and we sat down to do the interview.  Keith asked me to wait on photos till after, so I just sat there (IN KEITH MOON’S DRESSING ROOM !!!), while the interview was conducted, and then, it was photo time!

Keith popped up to get things going, giving us all directions.  It was hard not to laugh as he pulled out a crate from under the counter and STOOD ON IT.  He then called the two guys over and pulled them in.  He put his arm over the shoulder of the guy on his right, pulling him way down so that Keith would appear to be somewhere between the two in height.  Then he looked up....and smiled.


Keith’s dressing room. So…..the guy on Keith's left was about 6’3”, the guy on his right, (trying to keep his balance holding the awkward stance he was forced into), was about 6’0” and Keith Is 5’8”

After Keith posed with them, the radio guys asked if they could do one each alone with him….

Me and Keith.....You might think that perhaps it was a mistake to have the photographer visible in the mirror background of the photo right next to Keith. I might disagree!

.... and then they asked if they could do one with their dates - who were invited in...

Keith Standing Tall - Notice that the radio guys have passes to get in to the concert….well, I didn’t get one of those….BUT I DID GET TO MEET KEITH MOON!…so I was ok with it.  (If you look closely, you can kinda see the tops of my ‘coke-bottle-thick’ glasses sticking up a bit above the camera) 

... and then they asked if they could do one with each couple separately,

I could see Keith was starting to get annoyed

... and then they asked…..

“That’s it Mate! Off with you!!”  “Come on!”


Keith was fed up and kicked us out! 

I think he realized that it wasn’t my idea to keep taking more photos and that I was a bit embarrassed. I looked over at him with an apologetic shrug as I was collecting my gear.  As I walked by, I thanked him for letting me take his photograph.  He responded with a wink and a big smile.

Keith was great! He was really nice to me and very funny!  To be honest, I was in another world for those few minutes as I sat and watched and actually interacted with such a legend.

It was also obvious to me, through the interactions, that Keith was a bit drunk….but even so...clearly, Keith Moon knew how to take a photo!



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